one little start
the bread and butter began its journey in 2003 in London with just two people: a brand strategist and a designer. Since then, years have passed, during which big ideas have sprouted and dreams achieved. With this in mind we can proudly proclaim that the bread and butter has accomplished a tremendous number of branding projects.
With continued increase in annual sales, we are delighted that the bread and butter have become a global brand consulting agency that maintains its initiation of new sales activities with successful high quality project performance. In fact, over 65% of our clients have recommended us to others. This is truly something we can be proud of.
Plan A + Plan B
Plan A of the bread and butter has been and will always be to position strategic branding as our core business initiative.
More importantly, the bread and butter also adhere to its Plan B, which is our commitment to share and donate our unique brand consulting expertise and our profit to:
  • - local communities & NGOs
  • - small-sized companies with excellent performance but with no unique brand value
  • - social venture CEO with no branding knowledge and experience
  • - big corporations with minimal branding expertise
the bread and butter promises to focus on its core principles whilst sharing our knowledge with innovative companies.
Reflecting on 15 years
As we celebrate our 15th birthday, we're reflecting on the journey we've taken to better not only ourselves, but the industry and society more broadly. Here's to 15 more years of bread and butter!
Benefit-driven Business
the bread and butter has a clear social vision to create a positive social impact with our branding service, by helping to solve the problems arising in our community and world. Over the next year or more, we would like to explore how we can combine branding with social challenges. We call this combination ‘impact branding.’
sustainable guideline we try to make brand guideline work more sustainable for clients.
social challenge we do not cooperate with brands/companies that could have negative effects on people, society, and the earth, such as the tobacco industry.
impact report we publish our IMPACT REPORT every year: how we do business, why we do branding, and how we challenge and support social causes
1/30 every month, we save 1/30 of our net profit to the BNB Dream bank account
10% we give a minimum 10% of our profits to charity and church every year.
BBC (Bread & Book Club)
Once a month, the team members of the bread and butter select a book and take time out of their working day to share creative insights as a book club. We call this the BBC (Bread & Book Club) because we share our thoughts and literary analysis while drinking coffee and eating delicious pastries or bread. At the end of our BBC session, a small gift is awarded to a member who thinks outside of the box, sees the world from a wider perspective, and shares inspiring insights. These are values that we see as sacrosanct to the bread and butter vision.
Global Workshops
the bread and butter has participated in numerous global project meetings, workshops, seminars, trend research, and global safari analysis around the world, spanning from New York in the West to Tokyo in the East. Through such participation, we can continue progressing with something that we call ‘Creativity for Change’, which focuses on creating brands that are more impactful simultaneously and unique.